Mint Creature NFT gives you the opportunity to earn a creature as an NFT token, this involves earning rewards from the Reward Pool and staking. Give your NFT a name and make it unique!


  1. Log into
  2. Go through to your Profile and upgrade your Creature NFT. 
  3. Choose your Creature and click Mint.
  4. Name your Creature and enter % Royalties, which works on the basis of:
    For example if your NFT Creature has a mint cap of 100 and a 10% share of Reward Pool your reward will be calculated with the equation: 10% of Reward Pool : 100 = your staking reward. Your share of reward pool may vary according to filling of a mint cap set for certain Tier and Creature type.
    You can choose the % Royalties in range 0-90, if you enter 90%, then even if someone sells this NFT he will get nothing from the transaction, because 90% goes to the NFT creator and 10% goes to the Creature Racer.
  5. You’ll be greeted whether to login with Hiro. Hiro pop-ups will appear, click Next, Connect and Sign when prompted. This cost 1 STX.
  6. Your Creature NFT is minted NOW! Now, you can stake it and earn money!